Functional Capacity Evaluation

Our FCE's give an objective assessment of an employee's functional ability and comparison with the demands of their job role. The recommendations which we provide highlight functional gaps and rehabilitation needs, so supporting efficient return to work following prolonged periods of absence.

What is an FCE?

A WorkStrong Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) offers a comprehensive assessment of an employee's functional ability. The findings of the assessment are used to give clear answers to specific work related questions.

Here are a few examples of questions that are commonly asked by HR and Senior Managers and answered by the Functional Capacity Evaluation:

  • How much of their role can the employee complete safely and at full levels of productivity?
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  • Can he/she return to perform their safety critical role?

  • What work-based limitations are present if the employee returns to their role now?

The Assessment

An FCE uses a combination of standardised subjective questionnaires, a comprehensive clinical musculoskeletal assessment and functional testing, which includes work-related tasks. The findings of the assessment offers the FCE Assessor the performance data that is required to make individualised and accurate recommendations, whilst also answering the specific work-related questions raised by the organisation.

We favour a workplace-based FCE which offers high levels of validity through utilising the information gathered from actual working environments and equipment. Our Assessors are mobile and can travel to your worksite whether based in the UK or internationally.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will an FCE last?
A Functional Capacity Evaluation is a comprehensive assessment and will often last between 3 and 5 hours. During this time the employee is free to take as many breaks as they require.

What equipment and resources do we need to provide?

The WorkStrong FCE Assessor will arrive on-site with the testing equipment that they will need through out the assessment. The main additional requirements relate to an office or separate area (such as a meeting room) for the assessment to be conducted from, and access to any specific machinery or equipment that relates specifically to the employees job role. Each of these aspects will be discussed thoroughly when the assessment is booked.

I have heard of FCAs but not FCEs whats the difference?

An FCA is the abbreviation for a Functional Capacity Assessment. It is used synonymously with FCEs and relates to the same thorough assessment and reporting process.

What information does WorkStrong require before undertaking an FCE?

We will discuss this with you fully at the time of booking the assessment however, the more relevant information that you can provide us with the better. As a minimum, you will be asked to complete our referral form, provide a specific description of the role and tasks that the employee is expected to undertake, and also state the work-related functional questions that you are seeking to be answered.

How quickly can an FCE be arranged?

An FCE will be arranged as quickly as you require it. We will generally be able to provide you with an assessment date within 2 weeks of receiving the completed referral form.

When can we expect to receive the FCE report?

WorkStrong strives to offer excellent client satisfaction and therefore we work to provide you with the completed FCE report within 7 working days from the assessment date.

Our Assessors

A WorkStrong FCE Assessor is an Occupational Health Physiotherapist who will have had post-graduate training in the delivery of Functional Capacity Evaluations and Assessments. You can be sure, therefore, of receiving an excellent service and practical, justified answers to your functional related employment questions.

Why Us?

We pride ourselves in providing efficient and high quality Functional Capacity Evaluation services. All of our Assessors are members of the Health Care Professions Council, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics.

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